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Voice Of GEDEH

Voice Of GEDEH
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Voice Of GEDEH

Voice Of GEDEH is owned and operated by Gedeh Communication Network Inc. It is an FM Station that bring you continental and global news. The radio also plays 100% Liberian plus African music 24/7 and 365 days a year. Voice Of GEDEH Radio is a music and talk broadcasting network. It seeks to serve the people of Grand Gedeh and around the world with authentic music and talk programming. Which will be an informational broadcasting house reflecting the culture and the heritage of the people of Grand Gedeh County. Programming on this network has been designed with our audience in mind. After resourceful research we discovered the people do crave for authentic music and news in Grand Gedeh County, and it’s exactly what we offered.Music by Voice Of GEDEH:VOG MUSIC POLICY, VOG music policy focuses on Grand Gedeh Culture (Krahn Music, Gospel, Reggae Tradition music). And many more music styles from north, west, east and south of Liberia. All music sent to VOG FM will play or aired by materials (radio ads, voice overseas).NEWS:We endeavored to provide very balanced News which will be International, National and Local News items which will be provided by IRN on the hour daily. We also do live broadcast link -up to Grand Gedeh County for our News listeners.AUDIENCE:Our audiences have been categorized into four main groups. Krahn, French, English speaking which will be our main lingo on air.ON AIR STAFF of Voice Of GEDEH:Presenters at Voice of Gedeh Radio are well-read individuals from diverse disciplines with an in- depth information knowledge of their programmed. Furthermore, they have a thorough understanding of the radio industry.Mission, Vision and Core Values:Voice of Gedeh’s mission is to provide a trusted source of information, music and entertainment for curious and thoughtful people in efficient, sustainable ways that meet their needs while strengthening the civic and cultural life of the communities we serve.As broad-based broadcaster, the vision is to be a valued, vital and vibrant service that is indispensable to listeners’ lives.Inspires people to look at the world in different ways and capitalize on emerging opportunities to serve our listeners and communities.We always strive to serve our audience better. Moreover, we are committed to and engage our community in authentic and meaningful ways.
Land: Liberia
Genre(s): Music / News / Talk
AAC: 320 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 192000
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Voice Of GEDEH
Voice Of GEDEH
Voice Of GEDEH
Voice Of GEDEH is owned and operated by Gedeh Communication Network Inc. It is an FM Station that bring you continental and global news. The radio also plays 100% Liberian plus African music 24/7 and 365 days a year. Voice Of GEDEH Radio is a music and talk broadcasting network. It seeks to serve the people of Grand Gedeh and around the world with authentic music and talk programming. Which will be an informational broadcasting house reflecting the culture and the heritage of the people of Grand Gedeh County. Programming on this network has been designed with our audience in mind. After resourceful research we discovered the people do crave for authentic music and news in Grand Gedeh County, and it’s exactly what we offered.Music by Voice Of GEDEH:VOG MUSIC POLICY, VOG music policy focuses on Grand Gedeh Culture (Krahn Music, Gospel, Reggae Tradition music). And many more music styles from north, west, east and south of Liberia. All music sent to VOG FM will play or aired by materials (radio ads, voice overseas).NEWS:We endeavored to provide very balanced News which will be International, National and Local News items which will be provided by IRN on the hour daily. We also do live broadcast link -up to Grand Gedeh County for our News listeners.AUDIENCE:Our audiences have been categorized into four main groups. Krahn, French, English speaking which will be our main lingo on air.ON AIR STAFF of Voice Of GEDEH:Presenters at Voice of Gedeh Radio are well-read individuals from diverse disciplines with an in- depth information knowledge of their programmed. Furthermore, they have a thorough understanding of the radio industry.Mission, Vision and Core Values:Voice of Gedeh’s mission is to provide a trusted source of information, music and entertainment for curious and thoughtful people in efficient, sustainable ways that meet their needs while strengthening the civic and cultural life of the communities we serve.As broad-based broadcaster, the vision is to be a valued, vital and vibrant service that is indispensable to listeners’ lives.Inspires people to look at the world in different ways and capitalize on emerging opportunities to serve our listeners and communities.We always strive to serve our audience better. Moreover, we are committed to and engage our community in authentic and meaningful ways.
Land: Liberia
Genre(s): Music / News / Talk
AAC: 320 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 192000
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FLAC(Hz): 192000
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AAC: 128 Kb/s
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FLAC(Hz): 48000
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